Polish Scientific Society of Combustion Engines


REGISTRATION – XI International Congress on Combustion Engines: 2025-06-23/25

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the 11th International Congress on Internal Combustion Engines, which will take place from June 23rd to 25th, 2025, at the Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering of the Silesian University of Technology in Katowice. This year's meeting will be held under the theme: "Internal Combustion Engines 2025: Adaptation and Innovation in the Face of Changing Norms".

YSA 2024 Conference – 18-20.11.2024

YSA is an international, annual event organized by the Wroclaw University of Technology and the Poznan University of Technology (Poland), under the supervision of PTNSS.


Registration form


YSA 2023 Conference – summary

YSA is an international, annual event organized by the Wroclaw University of Technology and the Poznan University of Technology (Poland), under the supervision of PTNSS.

The conference is aimed at young scientists (PhD students, last year students and people who have recently obtained a PhD) interested in new achievements in the disciplines:

  • civil engineering and transportation
  • material engineering
  • mechanical engineering

It is possible to present presentations in the area of:

  • construction, research, production, operation
  • ecology of internal combustion engines and vehicles with alternative drives
  • materials science in vehicles
  • and related scientific disciplines

Prof. Piotr Wolański has died

Prof. Piotr Wolański has died aged 81.

The professor was a member of the Polish Scientific Society of Combustion Engines.

The professor was also a member of many organizations and committees: the Committee of Thermodynamics and Combustion of the Polish Academy of Sciences, a member of the Combustion Section, KTiS PAN; Member of the Polish Institute of Combustion; Editor-in-chief of the scientific journal of the Polish Academy of Sciences “Archiwum Combustionis”.

Framework Programme – Congress PTNSS 2023

A new Framework Program has been published on the 10th International Congress of Internal Combustion Engines 2023 conference website.

“Combustion Engines” journal admitted to the Scopus database

By decision of the Scopus Content Selection & Advisory Board (CSAB) of April 5, 2023, the “Combustion Engines” journal was admitted to the prestigious international Scopus database of scientific journals. Admission to Scopus is an expression of the high scientific position of the journal and its good international recognition.

Combustion Engines” is an international scientific journal published by the Polish Scientific Society of Combustion Engines (PTNSS). Currently, due to the dynamic development of powertrains systems for machines and vehicles, “Combustion Engines” journal, while retaining its historical title, published papers related not only to internal combustion engines, but also to other drive systems, including hybrid drives, electric drives, fuel cells and other solutions using hydrogen.

The Scientific Council of the journal and the Editorial Board include representatives of Polish and foreign science (Japan, Brazil, Switzerland, Austria, China, India, USA, Bulgaria, Israel, the Netherlands), which proves the significant internationalization of the journal.

The editors of “Combustion Engines” cordially invite you to publish your work in the journal and to read it. The “Combustion Engines” quarterly is available in print and electronic (open access) at: http://www.combustion-engines.eu

Second Prize for outstanding achievements in the field of rail transport awarded!

During the XX JUBILEE CONFERENCE "RAIL STOCK - PURCHASE, MODERNIZATION, MAINTENANCE" held on March 29-31, 2023 at the Grand Lubicz Hotel in Ustka, the Prof. Włodzimierz Stawecki Award for outstanding achievements in the field of rail transport for 2022 was presented.

REGISTRATION - X International Congress on Combustion Engines: 2023-06-19/21

on June 19th-21st, 2023, the Polish Scientific Society of Combustion Engines, in collaboration with the Division of Automotive Engineering at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Wrocław Tech, is organizing the jubilee X International Congress on Combustion Engines

VI Young Scientists Academy: 2022-11-14/16 - summary

YSA is an international, annual event organized by the Wroclaw University of Technology and the Poznan University of Technology (Poland), under the supervision of PTNSS

Application for Prof. Szlachta Award

The award of the Polish Scientific Society of Internal Combustion Engines for the author of the distinguished doctoral dissertation was established to honor the memory of Professor Zygmunt Szlachta

Prof. Jerzy Merkisz Awarded an Honorary Doctorate of The Lublin University of Technology

We are pleased to announce that Prof. Jerzy Merkisz, DSc., DEng. received an honorary doctorate of the Lublin University of Technology. The official awarding of this academic title took place on Friday, May 14, 2021.

Webinar Bosmal-Radwag 18.03.2021

On March 18, 2021, there was a webinar organized jointly by the BOSMAL Automotive Research and Development Institute and Radwag Wagi Elektroniczne, entitled: New trends in the Automotive laboratory - automation in particle emissions tests
