Polish Scientific Society of Combustion Engines



The History and concept of publishing


It was a nice touch of the “Symposium of Combustion Engines” organized in Poznan on June 2, 2003 by Polish Scientific Society of Combustion Engines and the Poznan Branch of Polish Association of Mechanical Engineers and Technicians in cooperation with HC Metal Works in Poznan as well as Poznan University of Technology to sign an agreement on the acquisition of the rights to issue The Combustion Engines journal by PSSCE.  It is a very renowned scientific journal, which has constituted the forum for scientific and scientific-technical publications in the field of combustion engines for many years. It had been published by HC Metal Works in Poznan. As a result of the initiative of the Board of PSSCE, negotiations had been taken with the existing publisher, which resulted in reaching an agreement on the acquisition of the rights to issue this journal by PSSCE, under certain conditions. One of the most important arrangements concerns the presentation of materials in two languages – Polish and English, which should encourage the promotion of research results and studies undertaken in Poland abroad. It is assumed that the journal shall mainly enable the presentation of the achievements of the numerous young scientists and specialists in the field of combustion engines.


A. The content-related concept

The journal is of scientific-technical character; the editorial staff will try to ensure its high scientific level.
The journal encompasses the problems concerning thermal piston or piston-less engines, whose principle of operation is based on converting primary energy into thermal energy, and next into mechanical energy.
The journal’s area of interest are scientific-research, developmental, design, technological and operating problems (mainly in terms of importance for design and development).
One shall take into account the aspects defining the directions of developing engines in the near and distant future (forecasting articles), especially in the following aspects: economic, ecologic and energetic.
The journal shall aspire to publish papers with the feature of novelty (scientific, technical), but it will also accept historical or reviewing papers of significant cognitive or educational value.
Periodically, it is expected to publish synthetic papers concerning selected research, design or operational issues.
The purpose of this journal is to assist in tracking design changes (publishing descriptions of the latest design and the design of significant novelty) and the scientific-research development (information about research works, important publications in other journals or publishing houses, promotional works).
The journal – as before- shall be relevant for technical and design staff in the national construction and production resources in the field of combustion engines. In a larger extent, it will be targeted to the scientific-research staff of technical universities and the students of higher cycles of studies whose major is combustion engines or related fields.


B. The editorial concept
The journal shall be issued as a quarterly, the publishing of combined or special issues is not precluded.
The volume of a single issue is expected to amount approximately to 56-64 pages in A-4 format, initially with the circulation of about 500 copies.
The existing lettering of the cover, the title vignette and numbering of the publication series shall be retained.
Articles and studies will be qualified for print on the basis of the Editorial Committee’s own assessment and a review of a renowned home or foreign specialist.
The Editorial Committee will seek to ensure a high content-related and editorial level of the journal.
The published articles can be sent or ordered by the Editorial Committee.
The Editorial Committee will endeavor to publish materials which would be diversified in terms of content and which would attract a wider group of readers. It is not precluded that thematic or conference brochures be published under one title.
The journal shall be by-lingual (in Polish and in English), double-column. The captions under figures and tables will also be by-lingual.
The authors shall not receive royalties due to the non-profit character of the journal.
The authors of the main articles shall submit texts in Polish and in English. Short papers of informational or local character shall be presented in Polish exclusively.
The illustrative material submitted to the Editor must be clear, unambiguous, legible and of good quality. The published material should be studies of scientific or engineering character, in accordance with the proper skill and editorial tools (linguistic accuracy, compatibility of titles with the content, relevant content, logical coherence, proper citation rules, appropriate references to the literature);
Editors will pay attention to respecting copy-rights by the authors of the sent materials (the statement of originality and the rights for illustrations);


The articles shall be presented in the following sections:
Research – science, research,
Design – modern design,
Methodology – research and measurement methods, methodology,
History – historical and reviewing studies,
Production – engineering and manufacturing technology,
Fuels – fuels and sources of energy,
News – information and agency news, information from foreign press,
Personalies – information about people from engine industry¸ biographical notes,
Organizations – information about scientific and engineering organizations in the industry
Conferences – notifications of most important conferences, their programs, conference articles reviews (abstracts of the most import ones).
Editorials and opinions – editorial information, reviews of monographs and promotional studies,
Bibliography – biographical notes of the articles published in the issue, most important promotional studies and brief discussions on most important foreign publications (key words).

Articles will contain information about the author and addresses.
Articles should have the keywords.
Editors are not responsible for the content and the author’s views; the authors are fully responsible for infringement of copy-rights, who declare it in writing.
The publisher charges for providing columns for advertising purposes, the advertisement shall be relevant to the devices and aspects thematically related with the industry of combustion engines.
