Polish Scientific Society of Combustion Engines


Activating membership

1. Activating membership occurs as a result of sending declaration of membership to the Society at the following address: secretariat@ptnss.pl (scan of declaration) or letter: PTNSS pl. M. Sklodowskiej-Curie 5, 60-965 Poznan, Poland, and the payment of entry fee of 50.00 PL zloty (fifty Polish zlotys) onto the account of the Society – PL92 1240 6449 1111 0000 5290 4552 BANK PEKAO SA o/Bielsko-Biała, SWIFT: PKOPPLPW

2. Active membership lasts 12 months of the given calendar year, and is the case of joining the Society within a year – since the date of the Board’s resolution accepting the candidate in the Society until the end of that year. Prolongation of membership for the next year is contingent upon paying the annual fee, or monthly fees in the amount equivalent to the membership in the first year, however, not later than Jan 31 of the consecutive year. Failure to comply with this requirement results in the exclusion from the list of members and, possibly, the need to repeat the whole procedure of joining the Society.

3. The amount of the monthly/annual fee is arbitrary and depends of the personal declaration of the member, yet, it cannot be less than 10.00zl per month or 120zl per year. The amount of the declared fee is confidential and accessible only to the Board or the Audit Committee. The membership fee can be paid in monthly or quarterly installments, or once a year, at the discretion of the member. We appeal to the Members who are in a better financial situation for more generous support of the Society’s needs. At the same time, we indicate that the amount of the declared contribution can be changed on the initiative of the Member in the consecutive year of membership, on the basis of a new declaration.

4. In order to facilitate the activation procedure in the subsequent years and to avoid troublesome oversights by the Members, the Board urges all the Members to ask their banks or tax payers (employers) to issue payment orders for covering membership fees.

5. Please be informed that at the same time, each active Member of the Society will have free access to the COMBUSTION ENGINES journal published by the Society.

6. Correspondence between the authorities of the Society and the Members will be based on electronic means of communication. Therefore, please pay attention when completing the survey in this aspect and make sure to have personal, business or other suitable e-mail.  

The basic rules are regulated by the Statute of the Society. In order to improve our mutual activities, however, necessary detailed solutions are needed as defined by the Board on Feb 21, 2003. While taking these findings into account, the Board is aware of certain inconveniences and financial burden affecting members of the Society. Therefore, the Board asks all those to whom it may concern, to understand the necessary needs related to the launch and basic activities of the Society.
